I’m going to be honest on this one, folks. It isn’t very good. It was so not-good that I didn’t really pay it a lot of attention, and I went and did dishes while I watched it. This review is going to be short.
Primary Plot
The plot this time around revolves around campaigning on who is going to be the next Kai, the Bajoran Pope. This becomes an issue because one of the high-up muckety-mucks in the Bajoran religion had discovered that kids in the DS9 school were not being taught the Bajoran faith as it pertained to the wormhole, the non-orbs, and the prophets.
I’m sure this is going to be one of those long-term political threads that runs throughout the show, and we get a bunch of fake drama over made-up religions and made-up politics that frankly makes the disputes over trade policy in the Republic in The Phantom Menace sound thrilling.
What we do get here, however, is a lot of tripe about how all cultures are equal, but some are more equal than others. We get a lot of hot air about how all are welcome on DS9, and how tolerance is such a lovely virtue. And, of course, we get a lot of rhetoric about how religion is backwards and dumb and science is god.
Other Thoughts
The writers couldn’t quite grasp some of the logical inconsistencies in their writing here. Based on their earlier work on DS9, this is not surprising. I had no real desire to sit through a lot of cultural Marxism and proto-SJW tripe, so I didn’t.
One thing I would like to point out: Tolerance is not a virtue. Tolerance is forced upon someone.
A virtue is chosen freely, and acted upon freely. A virtue consists of moral righteousness and moral excellence Only literal God-forsaken idiots think tolerance is a virtue. They are getting it confused with patience, an actual virtue, and one might see how midwits and those of even lower IQs could get the two confused.
Tolerance is the noun form of the verb tolerate. To tolerate is to endure without repugnance; to put up with. One tolerates that which is not chosen, but must be born. One tolerates an evil or an oppression or an annoyance that cannot be eliminated. One does not choose to tolerate anything. One is forced to tolerate.
It is not virtuous to deal with an evil, to make an accord with evil, nor to put up with an evil. You can only tolerate that which is an evil and that you refuse to give into or make an accommodation with. It is the demonic that attempt to spread the concept of tolerance as a virtue, and they do so in direct opposition to and mockery of true virtues such as patience, humility, prudence, etc.
If you currently believe that tolerance is a virtue, I encourage you to get your soul right with God and let Him grant you wisdom and understanding.
Final Grade: F-
I get the feeling that the ideas and concepts pushed in this episode are more or less endemic to Trek. I’m really not terribly surprised, as I also get the idea that Trek seems to idolize and idealize Marx and Marxism to a large extent. That’s really too bad for a variety of reasons, but it is understandable coming from atheists. Atheists are so incredibly dumb, and so incredibly historically ignorant, that they think that science can exist outside of Christianity. Science was philosophically conceived of, invented by, and developed by Christians. Science is completely impossible without the Christian framework to underpin all of it.
But you don’t have to take my word for it. Atheists, those who supposedly worship science, are currently destroying science because they don’t like what it says, what it might say, and even more importantly what those fathers of science did say and believe.
Evolution and survival of the fittest selects for superior genetic adaptation and results in superior species. This, of course, is racist: