“While an alien entity wreaks havoc with the station’s computer, the irrepressible Lwaxana Troi sets her sights for romance — with Odo.” I didn’t really remember this from the blurb. I thought,…
Month: May 2021
Deep Space 9 WatchParty (Phil) – Season 1, Episode 16 – The Forsaken
A diplomatic envoy arrives on DS9, hilarious hijinks ensue! A Vulcan and two other aliens walk into a bar. They bitch to Dr. Bashir about their quarters. A randy, boomer cougar cradles…
Games I’ve been playing this week, and more.
Games Phantasy Star II (GBA) 3D World Runner (NES) Maze Hunter 3D (SMS) Books Fables Werewolves of the Heartland by Bill Willimgham