Prince of Persia (PS3) Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (Vita) Finished! Retro City Rampage (Vita) Mobile games I have been newly playing and are worth a mention: Wreck-it Ralph (Android) CrossMe…
Category: Video Games
Games I’ve been playing this week.
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (PS3) Pinball Arcade (PS3/Android) Alice: Madness Returns (PS3) Finished! Prince of Persia (PS3)
Games I’ve been playing this week.
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (PS3) Okami HD (PS3) Finished! (w/Platinum) ToeJam & Earl (PS3) Alex Kidd in Miracle World (PS3) Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (Vita) Only one trophy left…
Games I’ve been playing this week.
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (PS3) Okami HD (PS3) Quantum Conundrum (PS3) Retro City Rampage (Vita)
Games I’ve been playing this week.
Retro City Rampage (PS3/Vita) Okami HD (PS3) Pinball Arcade (PS3/Vita) Harry Potter Years 5-7 (Wii) ToeJam and Earl (PS3) Lego Pirates or the Caribbean (PS3)
Games I’ve been playing this week.
Retro City Rampage (PS3/Vita) Okami HD (PS3) Pinball Arcade (PS3/Vita) Harry Potter Years 5-7 (Wii)
Games I’ve been playing this week.
Retro City Rampage (PS3/Vita) Alex Kidd in Miracle World (PS3) Puzzle Swap (3DS) Harry Potter Years 5-7 (Wii)
Games I’ve been playing this week.
Pushmo (3DS) Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock (Vita) Finished! Retro City Rampage (PS3/Vita) Gravity Crash (PS3) Harry Potter Years 5-7 (Wii) The Unfinished Swan (PS3) Finished! Bloodrayne: Betrayal (PS3) Alex Kidd in…
Games I’ve been playing this week.
Flow (PS3) Pushmo (3DS) Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock (Vita) Retro City Rampage (PS3/Vita) Gravity Crash (PS3) Harry Potter Years 5-7 (Wii) The Walking Dead (PS3)
Games I’ve been playing this week.
Pinball Arcade (PS3/Vita) Outland (PS3) Flower (PS3) Finished! Super Crate Box (PlayStation Mobile) Flow (PS3) Pushmo (3DS)