Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 (Wii) Playing with the wife, yeah! Uncharted Golden Abyss (Vita) Still trying to beat it on crushing. Journey (PS3) Finished, except for the trophy that requires me…
Games I’ve been playing this week:
So, I’ve decided to post the games I’ve been playing this week: Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 (Wii) VVVVVV (3DS) Uncharted Golden Abyss (Vita) Journey (PS3) Sly Cooper (PS3)
Epic Mickey, or Epic Fail?
I beat Epic Mickey last night and so I finally feel qualified to speak out on the subject. I purchased it back when it was Amazon’s deal of the day for $17.99; and at that price, it is well worth it. The game features fantastic settings, wonderful known (and not so known) Disney characters, and terrific music. The game is not without is flaws and quirks; however, such as a notoriously bad camera and a lack of verbal voice acting.
New Post!
I don’t know what to call this one, but I thought I’d throw it up quickly (eww). I was watching Royal Pains, and I noticed use of Exposé on the Mac during…
Upgraded again
I just upgraded WordPress to 2.6.5. So there.
George Carlin Day
George Carlin Day is June 27th.
I’ve Been Busy!
Sorry, folks. I’ve been keeping myself busy, working on “stuff”. I’ve finally had enough time to post a post just for the sake of posting a post. 😛
Indiana Jones IV
I saw Indy 4 today, and it was awesome!
Hey, My wife and I watched Barbarella last night. So, this is not one of the greats of movie history, but it was something I’ve been meaning to submit to, er watch,…
Prince Caspian (follow up)
I saw the movie, and I did like it. Not as much as the first one, but I didn’t like the book as much as the first one either. I should write…