George Carlin Day is June 27th.
I’ve Been Busy!
Sorry, folks. I’ve been keeping myself busy, working on “stuff”. I’ve finally had enough time to post a post just for the sake of posting a post. 😛
Indiana Jones IV
I saw Indy 4 today, and it was awesome!
Hey, My wife and I watched Barbarella last night. So, this is not one of the greats of movie history, but it was something I’ve been meaning to submit to, er watch,…
Prince Caspian (follow up)
I saw the movie, and I did like it. Not as much as the first one, but I didn’t like the book as much as the first one either. I should write…
Prince Caspian
Today is the day the Prince Caspian comes to a theater near me. I’ll let you know how it is.
“Weird Al” Yankovic
I’m going to see “Weird Al” again! Hooray for me!
Towel Day!
You’d better know where your towel is…for towel day is coming up. Hmm, I don’t seem to be able to make this a recurring event. No matter, one day it will be…
WordPress Update
So… I’ve updated WordPress again. I have to get used to the widget thingys and the totally re-done Dashboard. *sigh* I like the new customizability of the Dashboard, but it doesn’t seem…
Doctor Who and the Bees
When I heard mention of the bees gone missing in the 4th season of the new Doctor Who production, I was reminded of the dolphins gone missing in So Long, and Thanks…