This looks interesting. I wish I had more time to investigate it and do a proper write-up.
Nintendo Power
I got an issue of Nintendo Power today. I know not exactly earth-shattering, but I don’t feel like typing up a big article, and I just had to put something up.
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
I got Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Have not played it yet.
Dream On With Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
Dream On With Guitar Hero: Aerosmith This sounds cool. Maybe enough reason for me to pick up Guitar Hero finally.
New Stuff!
Hey, I added my Pandora® stations to the sidebar so you can look at them. Ooh, clicky! I don’t really want this site to be about music discussion, because musical taste is…
Wii Post
I’m testing keyboard functionality with the Wii. I’d say that it works, but it seems a bit cumbersome to switch back and forth between the keyboard and the remote.
Wii Post
Posting from my Wii, just because I can.
Happy New Year!
Here’s to hoping that 2008 will be a wonderful year! My New Year’s resolution is to post more goodies!
I updated the site once again. It seems that all I do is write maintenance posts. In truth, I do mainly do that. I really should write some good stuff here.
I finally got a Wii on Sunday. It was the fist time I’ve even *seen* one in the store (not counting the demo unit) since they came out, so I had to…